Tugas 1 Bahasa inggris bisnis 2 , listening
Name : Ihsan Rizal Maulid NPM : 18116222 Class : 4KA13 Task : Practice 2 , No 11 - 20 11. B. Business Administration Reason : Because the second speaker answered it with statistics, economics and accounting which is part of Businesss administration 12. C. It’s the best cheese Reason : The second speaker response it by saying nothing better than swiss cheese, that’s mean swiss cheese is the best for him. 13. C. There will be a game regardless of the weather Reason : The Second speaker said that the game will be held even it rain or shine. 14. C. She was not prepared for the class Reason : because the second speaker said if martha had read the materials, she could be prepared 15. A. Thirty people returned the evaluations form ...