Tugas 1 Bahasa inggris bisnis 2 , listening

Name    : Ihsan Rizal Maulid
NPM      : 18116222
Class      : 4KA13
Task       : Practice 2 , No 11 - 20

11. B. Business Administration
Reason : Because the second speaker answered it with statistics, economics and accounting which is part of Businesss administration

12. C. It’s the best cheese
Reason : The second speaker response it by saying nothing better than swiss cheese, that’s mean swiss cheese is the best for him.

13. C. There will be a game regardless of the weather
              Reason : The Second speaker said that the game will be held even it rain or shine.

14. C. She was not prepared for the class
Reason : because the second speaker said if martha had read the materials, she could be prepared

15. A. Thirty people returned the evaluations form
             Reason : Because the second speaker response it by saying only half from 60 is returned the evaluations form which mean thirty

16. B. He is very talented but he will never be a professional musician because he doesn’t practice
             Reason : Because the first speaker said that charlie has potential but he lazy to practice

17. B. Spend the weekend at beach if the nice weather holds out.
Reason : because the man said he will spend weekend at the beach if the weather stays nice

18. A. Only he saw the terrible accident
             Reason : because the second spekar said that only the boy saw it.

19. A. She writes and speaks Spanish equally well
Reason : because the man said louise writes well as well as she speaks. Which mean her skill in spanish is equal in writing or speaking

20. D. They had an argument, but now they are friends again
Reason : because the man said peter and lucy have a quarrel but they made it up. Which mean they already have an agreement about it.


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