Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Name    : Ihsan Rizal Maulid
Class      : 4KA13
NPM      : 18116222
Task       : Task 2, Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1.    Neither bill nor Mary (is/are) going to the play tonight
      Answer      : is
      Reason       : the subjects are both singular and connected by nor.

2.    Anything (is/are) better than going to another movie tonight.
      Answer      : is
      Reason       : the word “Anything” is the subject,  so that make the verb is singular.

3.    Skating (is/are) becoming more popular every day.
      Answer      : is
      Reason       : Because Skating is singular Subject.

4.    A number of reporters (was/were) at the conference yesterday.
      Answer      : were
      Reason       : “A number of Reporters” is plural subject.

5.    Everybody who (has/have) a fever must go home immediately.
      Answer      : Has
      Reason       : The word “Everybody” is singular subject.

6.    Your glasses (was/were) on the bureau last night.
      Answer      : were
      Reason       : The subject “Your glasses” is plural.

7.    There (was/were) some people at the meeting last night.
      Answer      : were
      Reason       : Because “There” followed by The subject “Some people” which is plural.

8.    The committee (has/have) already reached a decision.
      Answer      : has
      Reason       : Because the subject “the committee” is singular form.

9.    A pair of jeans (was/were) in the washing machine this morning.
      Answer      : Was
      Reason       : The Subject “A pair of jeans” is singular.

10.Each student (has/have) answered the first three questions.
      Answer      : has
      Reason       : The subject “Student” is singular because “Each” come before the subject


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